Alin House
This system is using a NEW invention of a Filipino Inventor called CURRENT AMPLIFIER.
*** 2 x 250 Watts Mono-crystalline Solar Panels
*** 10m of 4.0 mm square Solar Cable
*** 1 set of 500 Watts Current Amplifier
*** Complete set of solar mounting components such as Mid Clamps, End Clamps, L-Foot and Aluminum rails
*** Can make a savings in there Electric Bill between P800 ~ P1,000 every month.
This system is using a NEW invention of a Filipino Inventor called CURRENT AMPLIFIER.
*** 2 x 250 Watts Mono-crystalline Solar Panels
*** 10m of 4.0 mm square Solar Cable
*** 1 set of 500 Watts Current Amplifier
*** Complete set of solar mounting components such as Mid Clamps, End Clamps, L-Foot and Aluminum rails
*** Can make a savings in there Electric Bill between P800 ~ P1,000 every month.